Art & Craft Supplies

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Art & Craft Supplies

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eBay Listings nearest Bristol
Flowers Little Star Flower Head DIY Craft Epoxy Resin Candle MakingFlowers Little Star Flower Head DIY Craft Epoxy Resin Candle Making
12 X 5m Length each! Aluminium Craft Taylor Friendship Bracelet 0.8mm 20 Gauge 12 X 5m Length each! Aluminium Craft Taylor Friendship Bracelet 0.8mm 20 Gauge
48 Sheet Painted Blooms Paper 150gsm. 15x15cm Scrapbooking Card Making, Crafts48 Sheet Painted Blooms Paper 150gsm. 15x15cm Scrapbooking Card Making, Crafts
Handmade Christmas reindeer toyHandmade Christmas reindeer toy
Hand made Tooth fairy hanging pocket , boy or girl.Hand made Tooth fairy hanging pocket , boy or girl.
4 x Letraset Letratone Sheets, 1 x Letrafilm, Vintage4 x Letraset Letratone Sheets, 1 x Letrafilm, Vintage
Xcut Woodland Stag docrafts Complete Magnetic ShimXcut Woodland Stag docrafts Complete Magnetic Shim
Tulip Puff Fabric Paint Slick I Love To Create 4oz 118ml Shiny Brillante BlackTulip Puff Fabric Paint Slick I Love To Create 4oz 118ml Shiny Brillante Black
Spectrum Noir TriBlend Markers Pens - Coastal Blends (6 Piece)Spectrum Noir TriBlend Markers Pens - Coastal Blends (6 Piece)
Spectrum Noir Metallic Markers ~ Antique Elements, Pack 6Spectrum Noir Metallic Markers ~ Antique Elements, Pack 6
Spectrum Noir Classique (6PC) - Browns - Dual Tip Permanent MarkersSpectrum Noir Classique (6PC) - Browns - Dual Tip Permanent Markers
COCONIX Leather  & Vinyl Restorer / Recoloring Balm - Medium Brown - RRP £20COCONIX Leather & Vinyl Restorer / Recoloring Balm - Medium Brown - RRP £20
ARTISTRO 5 White Jumbo Markers Calligraphy Pen 15mm Felt Tip Murals Tagging ArtARTISTRO 5 White Jumbo Markers Calligraphy Pen 15mm Felt Tip Murals Tagging Art
25 of transparent 2 hole buttons shirt dress crafting button jewelry accessory25 of transparent 2 hole buttons shirt dress crafting button jewelry accessory
A8 20pcs 2 holes Shiny Glossy Shirt Suit Trousers Buttons sewing jewelry CuteA8 20pcs 2 holes Shiny Glossy Shirt Suit Trousers Buttons sewing jewelry Cute
5 Chinese Asian Style Fastener trim for Cheongsam kungfu Qipao Dress stud5 Chinese Asian Style Fastener trim for Cheongsam kungfu Qipao Dress stud
100*Small Safety Pins Gold Painted Copper Clips Label Tag Accessories100*Small Safety Pins Gold Painted Copper Clips Label Tag Accessories
10 of antique Frog Fastener white butterfly dress card DIY knot hook and eye10 of antique Frog Fastener white butterfly dress card DIY knot hook and eye
2*B1brass Bag Clasps Lobster Swivel Trigger Clip Snap Hook DIY bag hook supplies2*B1brass Bag Clasps Lobster Swivel Trigger Clip Snap Hook DIY bag hook supplies
2meter 14labels Sew-on Woven fabric labels Woven Handmade Garment toy bag Labels2meter 14labels Sew-on Woven fabric labels Woven Handmade Garment toy bag Labels
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