Sports & Leisure in Bristol
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AIRSCREAM was found by a group of like-minded veterans within the E-cigarette industry. Our frustration of not being able to find a simple, quality and affordable product that could be offered to...
Ashville Park, Short Way, Thornbury, Bristol, Avon. Tel: 0117 316 4194
Henleaze Lawn Tennis Club
Henleaze is a small friendly four court club situated in the north-west of Bristol. We welcome new members of all ages and abilities: those wishing to join in social club play, those wanting...
Springfield Grove, off Tennessee Grove, Westbury Park, Bristol, Avon. Tel: 0117 973 2250
ECig Provider
ECig Provider retail the E-Cigarette (also known as the Electronic Cigarette) is the healthier alternative to the traditional Cigarette. Unlike a traditional Cigarette it does not contain tobacco, it...
36 Freshland Way, Kingswood, Bristol, Avon. Tel: Not Listed
Colston Squash Club
A very friendly atmosphere and welcoming Club. The Club has a long history and have been going since the early 1960’s. There is no booking or payments for courts. There is an annual fee, but if play...
Stapleton, Bristol, Avon. Tel: Not Listed
Mike Willcox Sports Trips
London marathon weekend package 2021, London marathon accommodation, London marathon package. Hotel bed and breakfast, if travelling from Bristol then I have a coach for you. Coach to start of race...
199 Kings Head Lane, Uplands, Bristol, Avon. Tel: 07721528199
Results 1 to 5 of 5 |
- Arenas & Stadiums
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- Boat Harbours, Marinas & Docks
- Boat Sales, Repairs, & Service
- Bowling
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- Paintball & Combat Games
- Pool & Snooker
- Rugby
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- Skiing
- Sports & Social Clubs
- Sports Goods
- Squash
- Surfing
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Water Sports